Hearing Aids & Accessories

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What to Know About Hearing Aids

Hearing aid benefits include improved communication, better self-esteem and self-confidence, improved hearing in background noise, and less strain on family and friends. Additionally, hearing aids can provide a sense of safety and security, as well as improve your overall quality of life.

A hearing aid accessory is anything that helps a hearing aid user to better hear or use their hearing aid. This can include things like batteries, chargers, earmolds, and anything else that helps with the operation of the hearing aid.

Pro-Tip: Keep extra batteries on hand so you can be ready for the day and keep your hearing aids functioning uninterrupted.


At what point should I consider hearing aids?

You might require a hearing aid if you frequently ask individuals to repeat themselves or have trouble hearing discussions. Other indicators that you might require a hearing aid include cranking up the TV or radio level, avoiding noisy environments, and feeling exhausted or irritable from straining to hear. Make an appointment with an audiologist or other hearing healthcare specialist if you think you might require a hearing aid.

Who fits people for hearing aids?

An audiologist is a health care professional who specializes in identifying, diagnosing, and managing hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children. Audiologists use a variety of tests and procedures to evaluate hearing and balance function and treat hearing and balance disorders.

What is a hearing aid accessory?

A hearing aid accessory is anything that helps a hearing aid user to better hear or use their hearing aid. This can include things like batteries, chargers, earmolds, and anything else that helps with the operation of the hearing aid.

How do I care for my hearing aids?

Hearing aids require regular maintenance and care in order to function properly. Depending on the type of hearing aid, some basic cleaning and battery changing may be required on a daily basis. More sophisticated hearing aids may need to be sent back to the manufacturer or dealer for service and repairs.

How do I clean my hearing aid?

The inside of your ear canals, where they are exposed to earwax and moisture, is a less than ideal environment for hearing aids to operate. This makes cleaning an essential part of regular maintenance in order to keep them operating at their best.

To clean your hearing aids, you will need:

  • A clean, soft, dry cloth for wiping off the hearing aids.
  • A clean, dry toothbrush or soft bristle brush to remove away any debris.
  • A wax pick for wiping off any earwax that has built up in the tube of the hearing aid.
  • A can of compressed air (optional) to blow any water out of the tubes.

You can also purchase hearing aid kits with all of these supplies.

The most important thing when cleaning your hearing aids is to avoid getting moisture in the tubing. If moisture gets in the tubing, it can cause the hearing aid to malfunction.

  1. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away any debris from the hearing aid. Be sure to avoid getting the cloth wet.
  2. Take a soft bristle brush to gently remove any wax from the hearing aid. 3. Tip the brush down to allow any debris to fall out of the hearing aid.
  3. Remove any debris left over from the brush with a wax pick.
  4. Once you are finished cleaning the hearing aid, use the soft, dry cloth to wipe it down one more time.

What are the parts of a hearing aid?

The three main parts of a hearing aid are the microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid picks up sound through the microphone, which converts the sound waves into electrical signals. The amplifier increases the strength of the signals and then sends them to the speaker, which converts them back into sound waves that are louder than the original sound.

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