KetoCal 4:1 Oral Supplement, Vanilla Flavor, Powder
A nutritionally complete, ketogenic formula in a 4:1 ratio (fat: carbohydrate + protein) for the dietary management of intractable epilepsy; designed for individuals over one year of age.
- Convenient one-step preparation with a non-modular approach.
- Supplemented with DHA and ARA.
- Contains multi-fiber blend.
- No trans fat.
- Aspartame-free (contains sucralose).
- Nutrient dense for children with low energy requirements.
- Appropriate for enteral or oral feedings.
- Standard dilution: 1KCal/mL.
- Osmolality.
- Displacement 1mL/gm.
- Indications: Intractable epilepsy, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency (PDH), glucose transporter Type-1 deficiency (GLUT1DS) and other medical conditions where a ketogenic diet is indicated.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.