For many caregivers, physical therapy is a treatment plan supporting a number of chronic conditions or recovery needs. However, physical therapy isn’t just for those in recovery. Preventative physical therapy can strengthen the body, prevent future injury, and can even help prevent chronic conditions like osteoporosis.
What is preventative physical therapy?
Preventative physical therapy is an important part of wellness routines that happens before an injury or illness ever occurs.
It involves working with a PT (physical therapist) to understand what your unique needs are across areas like mobility, strength, balance and posture, and building exercise into your wellness routine that supports them.
Even without visiting a physical therapist, there’s a number of at-home strengthening exercises that can improve your strength and mobility.
Who needs preventative physical therapy?
Preventative physical therapy is for everybody! Just like regular exercise and a healthy diet, preventative physical therapy supports long-term health, mobility, and strength.
While everyone can benefit from physical therapy, it’s especially useful for:
Athletes or those beginning an intense exercise routine. If you’re looking to begin more robust exercise - maybe you’re planning to run a 5K, start Crossfit, or begin bodyweight training - preventative physical therapy can prevent injuries and protect your body from any damage
Those with a more inactive lifestyle, such as those that work at a desk. If you spend much of your time at home or if you’re often hunched over a desk, preventative physical therapy can support your posture and strength, as well as help prevent issues like high blood pressure
Those interested in preventing osteoporosis and anyone that may not be eating nutrient-rich diets. As we age, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases, especially for women. Eating nutrient-rich diets and performing preventative physical therapy can help your bones stay strong into your later years.
Why should I start preventative physical therapy?
Regular preventative physical therapy can help avoid a number of health conditions and concerns like:
High blood pressure
Injuries from falls
Additionally, as we age physical wellness supports core activities like:
Maintaining independence. The more we support our mobility, the longer we’re able to care for ourselves, which decreases the need for caregivers to support day-to-day activities like bathing or dressing.
Supporting balance. Maintaining balance and mobility can prevent serious and potentially life-threatening falls. According to the CDC, one in five falls leads to a serious injury.
How can I start preventative physical therapy?
Preventive therapy often starts with a visit to a physical therapist. PT’s are used to seeing patients outside of recovery. Dr. Karen Joubert tells Self, “People come see us [after] surgery or sprained ankles or prehab before surgery, but the more interesting thing is that I have patients who are getting into their 30s and 40s and are realizing, ‘Wow, I want to live longer, maybe have a family. And I don’t want to have to be hunched over or have back surgery. How can I prevent that?’”
That said, preventative physical therapy is not often covered by insurance. If preventative therapy is out of your budget, there are a number of simple at-home physical therapy exercises you can perform to support balance, posture, mobility, and strength.
What if I have more questions?
Providing care for someone with physical therapy needs comes with unique challenges. If you have more questions about physical therapy or related products, we’re happy to help.
Learn more about physical therapy by checking out:
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