All Constipation


Best Sources of Fiber for Constipation

Posted by Chad Birt on Thu Nov 02 2023

Constipation is a problem that everyone occasionally experiences. But if it results in discomfort and pain or affects your normal routine, taking action is essential. One of the easiest ways to address constipation is by eating high-fiber foods. But if you don’t usually grocery shop or prepare at-home meals, knowing where to start can be challenging. Read More

Constipation isn’t a fun topic to talk about and is even less fun to experience. But if you're an older adult or the caregiver of an older adult, it's important to get comfortable talking about bowel movements. Constipation is very common in people over age 65, making up for 2.5 million visits to the doctor every year. That means if you or a loved one is constipated, you're not alone!

This article will give you a quick overview of constipation, the signs and symptoms, home remedies to consider, and when to talk to your doctor.

Constipation in Older Adults: 9 Tips for Relief

Posted by Sophie Bebeau on Wed Nov 02 2022

Constipation isn’t a fun topic to talk about and is even less fun to experience. But if you're an older adult or the caregiver of an older adult, it's important to get comfortable talking about bowel movements. Constipation is very common in people over age 65, making up for 2.5 million visits to the doctor every year. That means if you or a loved one is constipated, you're not alone! This article will give you a quick overview of constipation, the signs and symptoms, home remedies to consider, and when to talk to your doctor. Read More

Chocolate and Constipation: Is There Really a Link?

Chocolate and Constipation: Is There Really a Link?

Posted by Chad Birt on Thu Sep 15 2022

Some people swear that there’s a link between eating chocolate and constipation. But what does science say? To answer that question, we contacted several dieticians and nutritionists. Here's what we found out: Read More